About a year ago, SkyDec was asked to participate in the exposition Recht Door Zee, in Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas Belgium. An exposition highlighting the developments in navigating at sea, from the years 1500 until now.
Subtitle of this exposition is
There was a time when sailing the seas was the most adventurous thing one could do: the renaissance equivalent of being an astronaut.
Of course we could see the direct link with our business, but taking part in the upcoming Belgium/Dutch MCMV program introduced another very welcome connection, as the Belgium Navy is also one of the exposition partners.
During the opening, one of the speakers was Rear Admiral of the Belgium Navy, Mr. De Beurme, and he started his speech by saying that being aware of position and time are key values to start any travel . Very true words, underlining the need for robust navigation equipment like we have in our portfolio.
We are proud an honored to be part of this unique exposition. Please see https://www.museasintniklaas.be/tentoonstellingen/recht-door-zee for more information. It’s worth a visit for sure!